A Will is one of the most important documents a person can have. It can be used to decide what will happen to your assets, or who will care for your children if you die.
In the absence of a Will, such decisions will be made according to the law and not necessarily in keeping with your intentions.
Estate administration, commonly referred to as Probate, is a process that takes place when a person dies. It involves dealing with their estate and settling any inheritance tax issues.
If you have recently lost a loved one and are unsure as to what to do next, we can help you though this difficult period.
A Lasting power of Attorney (LPA) allows you to appoint someone you trust to make decisions on your behalf, in the event you lose your mental capacity.
If a person loses their mental capacity and does not have an LPA, the court may be required to appoint a deputy instead.
A Declaration of Trust is an important document to consider when buying a property. It can be used to record the financial arrangements to ensure your contribution is protected.
You can enter into a Declaration of Trust at any time, so if you have already purchased a property, it is not too late.
Every Will Matters
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